Podcast Recommendations
Pastors need to be shepherded, too. Our own hearts need to be fed, encouraged, and challenged as we strive to faithfully minister to...

Hindrances to a Healthy Fundamentalism
In 1993 Doug McLachlan wrote a book entitled, Reclaiming Authentic Fundamentalism. In the first chapter of this book, he lists out ten...

Marriage, Yelling, and the Holy Spirit
Any pastor who has served for a period of years inevitably has counselled married couples who struggle in their marriage. The reasons for...

Five Ways A Christian Husband Must Show Love To His Wife
One of the primary jobs of a husband, according to the Bible, is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25ff). While...

A Hymn Reflecting on Christ's Death
Ann Ross Cousin was a wife and mother in the 19th century. Her husband was a pastor. She began to write hymn texts for their church...

The Love Song of the Welsh Revival
Rich hymnody includes some wonderful international hymn texts and tunes. One of those is a text written by a Welshman, named William...

Parental Correction of Children
Sometimes there are questions raised as to how a parent should correct his/her children. Is there any kind of biblical approach or...

Your Choices Impact Future Generations
Choices lead to consequences. Good choices have positive consequences; sinful choices have negative consequences. Those statements are...

The God of Abraham Praise
Daniel Ben Judah was a 14th century Jewish poet who wrote this hymn text as a means of reflecting articles of belief. Thomas Olivers was...

Can We Manufacture Revival?
I recently finished reading a wonderful and thought-provoking book by Iain Murray entitled, Revival and Revivalism. It chronicles some of...