Second Advent Sunday: Christ is the Object of our Faith
Matthew 2:1-6, "Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to...
First Advent Sunday: Christ Is Our Hope
Isaiah 11:1-5, There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the LORD...

One Encouraging Weekend
This past Saturday was our sixth New England Foundations Conference. About 135 people from five New England states were in attendance to...

10 Ways to Love Your Wife
Today is Valentine's Day, which is historically a day when men frantically try to appease their wives by buying them flowers or candy or...

"Doubting" Thomas and Deconstructionism
The apostle Thomas sometimes gets a bad wrap because of his words the day of Christ's resurrection, "Unless I see in his hands the mark...

Teens and Technology
As Christian parents living in the 21st century, we have to deal with a world of technology. Televisions, DVD players, cell phones,...

Being Weak is Not Always a Bad Thing
Who has not felt their weakness at times in life, especially within the past 18 months? Physically, emotionally, mentally, or...

You Can't Outsource Parenting
Parenting is something like a glorious agony. If you have been a parent for any length of time, you can understand what I mean. I have...

Ten Things to Pray for 2021
2020 was a year filled with talk about maintaining or regaining physical health. COVID-19 dominated headlines, and even consumed the...

Christ Came For Hurting People
2020 has been called a "dumpster fire" by some people. What began as an attempt to "flatten the curve" of the Coronavirus has ended up...