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The God of Abraham Praise

Daniel Ben Judah was a 14th century Jewish poet who wrote this hymn text as a means of reflecting articles of belief. Thomas Olivers was an 18th century friend of George Whitefield who paraphrased the text and added some Christological elements to it. Now it forms a wonderful hymn text along with a beautiful Hebrew melody. We rejoice the the God whom we love and worship is the God who called Abraham and established His covenant with him. May we give praise to Him today. If you want to see the music (along with other stanzas), you can download it here.

The God of Abrah'm praise,

Who reigns enthroned above;

The ancient of eternal days

And God of love.

Jehovah, Great "I Am,"

By earth and heav'n confessed;

I bow and bless the sacred Name,

Forever blest.

The God of Abrah'm praise,

Whose all sufficient grace

Shall guide me all my happy days,

In all my ways.

He calls a worm His friend,

He calls Himself my God!

And He shall save me to the end,

Thro' Jesus' blood.

He by Himself has sworn;

I on His oath depend,

I shall, on eagle's wings upborne

To heav'n ascend.

I shall behold His face;

I shall His power adore,

And sing the wonders of His grace

Forever more.

The whole triumphant host

Give thanks to God on high;

"Hail Father, Son and Holy Ghost!"

They ever cry.

Hail, Abrah'm's God and mine!

Hail, God of truth and grace!

All might and majesty are Thine,

And endless praise.

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