Seeking the Praises of Man
Are you a people-pleaser? Do you struggle with living more for the praise and approval of men, more than God? In my devotional reading...

A Call to Pray for our Nation
I am asking as many believers as possible to voluntarily choose to pray for our country on Monday, November 2, 2020, the day before...

The Prayer Famine
I recently read an article written by the Regional Director of Asia, Australia, and Oceania for GFA Missions, Forrest McPhail. It is in...

The Global Pandemic of Biblical Illiteracy
Every day there are new headlines spotlighting the Coronavirus pandemic across the world. Our news feeds are flooded with stories,...

The Christian and Authority, part 1
One of the most difficult subjects for Christians to be honest about is the subject of authority. The reason for this struggle is because...

Five Ways to Pray for Your Pastor on Monday
The Lord's Day is the highlight of the week for pastors. They spend large amounts of time studying, preparing, refining, and praying over...

Christians Awake!
A Christmas hymn that has become a family favorite of ours the past several years is "Christians, Awake!" written by John Byrom in 1749....

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
There are some of our hymns that take beautiful classical music melodies, or styles, and incorporate them into the hymn tune. One of...

See Amid the Winter's Snow
There are speculations as to the actual date of the birth of Christ. We celebrate it on December 25th, in the middle of our winter...

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Christmas is almost upon us. When shopping for Christmas gifts, or ingredients for Christmas baking, Christians cannot help but be...