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Five Ways to Pray for Your Pastor on Monday

The Lord's Day is the highlight of the week for pastors. They spend large amounts of time studying, preparing, refining, and praying over their sermons during the week, and then Sunday is "game day" for them, proclaiming to the congregation what the Word of God says. Perhaps some teach/preach as many as three or four times on any given Sunday. When Monday comes, it often comes hard.

Here are five suggested ways you can pray for your pastor on Monday.

Pray for strength. Mental, spiritual, and physical fatigue can hit your pastor very hard on Monday mornings. He has spent a lot of energy the day before, not only preaching, but also listening to questions, complaints, and burdens. Monday comes, and he is most likely very tired. Pray for an opportunity for him to relax, and rejuvenate himself in order to prepare for another week, and in his fatigue that he would not succumb to other temptations.

Pray for security. Many pastors complete their preaching on Sunday and think to themselves, "I wish I would have said..." or "I should have said..." or "I don't think I preached very well today." Pray for him to find his security in his relationship to Jesus Christ, and not in his "performance" on Sunday, trusting the Lord to take his Word and work it into the hearts of the people for his own glory.

Pray for productivity. Many pastors tend to take Monday as a day off. Every pastor should take at least one day off a week. Your pastor has a life and family outside of the church as well, and there are responsibilities that often pile up. Monday often gets filled with those other needs and responsibilities, such as family needs, household projects, doctor's appointments, etc. Pray that he would be able to accomplish these kinds of tasks that are on his plate and be a blessing to his wife and family, enjoying needed time with them.

Pray for direction. There is most likely the constant thought of preparing for the next Lord's day opportunities to preach and teach. This is just the nature of the ministry. Pray that the Lord would direct his thoughts to know what ought to be preached/taught, but that Monday would be a day not filled with heavy study time.

Pray for stamina. Pastoral burdens are numerous. He is given information, prayer requests, and burdens from church members that very few other people are. These burdens are readily heard, for the pastor should have a heart of compassion for his people in their time of need. Pray that your pastor would have the stamina to bear those burdens in love, but not allow them to weigh him down so heavily as to impede his ability to minister in other ways.

These are five simple ways you can pray for your pastor on Monday. Your pastor needs prayer, just like every person in the church does. Ministering to him in this way will strengthen him, and your church, for the glory of God.

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