Devotional Reading Suggestion

This morning I just finished reading a book entitled, 50 People Every Christian Should Know, by Warren Wiersbe. An link is provided here. True to its title, every chapter gives a brief biographical sketch of people within the Christian faith, beginning with Katherine von Bora (wife of Martin Luther) and ending with William Culbertson. The chapters are short, but packed with not only biographical information, but also recommended reading about them or by them. Wiersbe does a good job of whetting the appetite to investigate more should a reader so choose.
My practice with this book was to read one chapter a day (roughly) along with my daily Bible reading and study. I found, for the most part, these chapters to warm my heart with regards to the Christian ministry and how others faced it. With few exceptions, every chapter challenged me in some way. It is a great reminder and testimony of a faithful God working through faithful people.
Sometimes in our devotional lives, we can get into ruts or routines. It is good to work into our time with the Lord some variety of reading, along with our Bibles. I would encourage you, if you do not already, to add to your daily devotional time some kind of Christian literature that will warm your soul and illustrate Christian truth for your personal enrichment and stimulation "to love and good works." This book by Wiersbe would be a worthy addition to your daily study.